說到短宣,許多人會想到緊湊的行程,或是身體心靈的大操練。當我的家人朋友們知道我要去柬埔寨短宣時,他們都挺驚訝的。對住在北美如此優沃環境的人們來說,柬埔寨在印象中是個貧窮及危險之國家。但對我來說,我相信要到這樣地方短宣,更能經歷且見證 神的作為。在短宣之後,我覺得這一次真是不虛此行。
短宣出發前,我們短宣隊有一連串的訓練課程,也為短宣安排好了計畫。在長時間的飛行後,我們終於抵達了柬埔寨。到了當地,才發現我們在美國的人總是在計畫及預備,並且要按著計畫好的行程作事。但是當我們到柬埔寨短宣時,就並非這麼一回事。雖然不能依計畫行事,但結果也不錯。每一天早晨和晚上睡前,我們短宣隊員都會有小小的聚會,其他也有很多時間可以和小群的Crossroads學生出門,有許多很好的交通,也能夠更加認識其中幾位學生。對我自己來說,在那幾天短宣中,我不會像在灣區這邊的生活太過忙碌,因此不但在身體上能夠休息,也有很多時間可以靈修,親近 神。
People think of mission trips are with tight schedule and physical and spiritual work-out, especially when my family and friends heard the name of the country I was going, they were all quite surprised. Cambodia, a country in Southeast Asia, is considered a poor and dangerous place for those who live in North America. But to me, going to such a “poor and dangerous” place is where I thought I could experience God’s work better. And now I am back and can say that it has been a great experience indeed!
Before the mission trip, our team went through some training sessions and planned schedules. Then we went on a long flight and arrived there. To Americans, schedules are important, but it is not necessary the same in Cambodia, especially in a mission trip! Although everything didn’t go as planned, things turned out better than I expected. We had team gatherings every morning and every night, and there were a lot of free time when we went out with small groups of people, so I got to know a few students better as well. Also I had a great time serving in playing music for worship with brothers and sisters in the Crossroads. Even when they were worshipping in Khmer sometimes, I could sense the presence of God and felt like we were truly as one body in Christ.
To me, I had a very loose schedule in comparison with my life back here, so I did not only get more rest and spent more devotional time with God.
We had a great time spending time in the village with Cambodian children as well. Although we couldn’t communicate verbally, it gave us joy when we saw their purity and joy in their hearts. Moreover, being in the country and seeing how the country really is like has also opened my eyes to see those people there with a heart like Jesus. Understanding better about their society and culture, especially their difficult living condition, I know that they really need the hope from God.
The college student ministry in Crossroads has become an encouragement to me that I not only have a heart to pray for them but also have more passion in the student ministry I am involved in. Finally, praise God for keeping us all safe and healthy. This trip was a great blessing to those in Cambodia and to us that we can enjoy being together in Christ.